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The paradoxes of journalism, and the best way to (not) DeleteFacebook

Italian newspaper Repubblica interviewed Evgeny Morozov about the Cambridge Analityca scandal, and the related #deletefacebook case. Both the printed and the online version of the interview illustrate the pervasiveness and dangers of Big Data and Big Tech in more than one way. This is the paper version:

On paying for everything you WANT to read, and others be damned

Does paying for almost everything you read put you at a distinct advantage? On one hand, yes, no doubt. On the other, I find certain propositions a bit troubling.

Repubblica: crappy journalism from The Usual Suspects

Do you remember “Who is Keyser Soze?”? That was the recurring line of a great movie, which is now related to another question: who, in the staff of italian newspaper Repubblica (and many other newspapers too, of course) still makes, or allows, crap like this?