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And THE business model of the year is...

It is already evident that THE winning Business Model for year 2018 is:

THE big question about the Internet of Things is...

There has recently been a MIT workshop on “Low-Latency Wireless Random-Access” which, from a report I’ve just seen, may have been focused on the wrong questions about the Internet of Things.

Gmail Buddy, aka "The Internet of Things we do NOT need"

an Internet of Things that we definitely don’t need

Gmail Buddy, aka "The Internet of Things we do NOT need" /img/gmail-buddy-no-thanks.jpg

there is a project, over at Seeed, that is a good example of a really (too) large category of projects that I really do not get. At least, I don’t get why they should have anything like “smart” or “smarter” in their name. I’m talking of

Internet of things, who's right? UK or Denmark?

It’s always fun, and useful, when two or more news, that somehow go against each other, are published in the same day. Last Friday we had:

Smart dust: coming soon to a lung near you?

You really can’t make this stuff up: I have just found, one after another in my RSS feed, two unrelated articles on Smart Dust that you must really read side by side: one about a wonderful future, another unintentionally exposing some of its, apparently, not-yet-considered consequences.