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On percloud, again
Just an answer to some critiques received today.
The costs of percloud, vs anything else
The percloud is like email and schoolbuses. Not like Facebook.
FreedomBox: simple, inexpensive... and very likely ineffective
On May 7th, 2019, Professor Eben Moglen delivered a keynote address titled “Why Freedom of Thought Requires Attention”…
Thanks Zendaya for doing the right thing on the Web
I had no idea who Zendaya is until 5 minutes ago. Then I discovered that she is doing something good.
Data portability is useless. Hardware is a privilege
And no “freedom box” should make us forget these facts.
Breaking up Facebook? Einstein would not be happy
I have explained many times while I believe that forcing social networks to follow real interoperability standards is so much more important than “breaking them up”…