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E-VOTING or... digital ELECTIONS?

The latter, of course!

Software vs. your rights and quality of life, revisited

I have been saying for at least twelve years that your civil rights and the quality of your life depend on how software is used AROUND you. In July 2018, I found the same concept expressed very well by somebody else.

Quick: what is the FIRST thing that should be open to democratic control, and used for the common good?

Two articles about a great issue of our time just made me a bit sad.

Facebook and Google forcing countries to trust them

Please have a look at this scary title, just appeared on the Web:

Trip report: Open Data in Skopje

Trip report: Open Data in Skopje /img/skopje.jpg

A couple of weeks ago I was invited at the first National Open Government Partnership Forum in Skopje, Macedonia, for the panel titled “OGP-related Initiatives at the Local Level - Comparative Perspectives”. Here’s a short trip report, complete of link to my slides.

Yes, Open Data will also destroy (certain) jobs. If we are lucky, that is

While I am writing this post, the third meeting of the Open Government Partnership is taking place in Rome, Italy. As you can see in the snapshot, one of the participants just tweeted: inside this building we’re talking of participation, outside people are protesting to defend their job.