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The Bunga Bunga dictator? A (stupidly) Windows-only show, sorry

Tonight I wanted to watch on my computer, in streaming thanks to this wonderful worldwide Web that makes us all brothers and that all the Italian Political Parties who care about the future hail as an enabler of democracy and participation, an italian live show called the Bunga Bunga Dictator. Bunga Bunga is.. er, I’ll leave the definition to the Urban Dictionary. The dictator is Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who is… er, you’ve probably heard of him already and if you haven’t, ask the Guardian.

After Umberto Eco, even Franco Debenedetti gets ebooks wrong

In August 2010 Umberto Eco, a great Italian intellectual and novelist wrote something very true about traditional paper books: don’t you dare to hope to get rid of all paper books just because e-books are now available. Unfortunately, Eco gave a really dumb proof for his assertion:

Microsoft video proves that Microsoft Office is like cocaine and has dealers inside schools

On October 6th, 2010 Microsoft published a short video on Youtube titled “A Few Perspectives on”. The video is about “Some thoughts from users and why they switched back to Microsoft Office” ( and its offspring LibreOffice are “free-as-in-freedom” alternatives to Microsoft’s Office productivity suite. They have no license costs and natively support OpenDocument, an international standard format for office documents).