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5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/02/02
Below please find the suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. What do you think?
5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/1/10
Below please find the suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. As last month, some were expected, some much less, at least by me. What do yu think?
5000 concepts for Europe? The first one is...
In the first 12 hours from its actual public announcement, my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book yeld some unexpected (for me, at least) results.
5000 concepts for Europe: a book proposal
Thirty years ago (*) a Mr E. D. Hirsch Jr. wrote a book titled “Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know”
Are citizens ready for Open Data and Government?
A few days ago I was in the Menendez Pelayo International University of Santander, Spain, to give a talk for a seminar about Open and E-Government.