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Social media infer a lot and it's all YOUR fault

Inference plus facial recognition are BAD, but what makes them actually toxic is you.

Even more reasons to AVOID Google's AMP

IN January 2018 I concluded that I do not like Google’s AMP. Now I found even more reasons to dislike it, and one of them may be from Bruxelles.

What is worst than Russians using social networks to influence your elections?

Answer: a privately run, for-profit social network so powerful to tell a country the rules of political campaigns.

Why do you still propose to regulate, break or clone Facebook, Google & C.?

In the last months, I have seen several experts suggest three kinds of solutions to the problems created by today’s social networks. Here I suggest, again, that those solutions are wrong, and then make a request.

Data stored by governments? No, thanks

What is the point of replacing Facebook and Google with the same things, just with another “owner”?

Facebook and Google supporting Wikipedia. How NOT cool is that?

For-profit corporations funding the only source of information for millions of people that they still don’t control? What could possibly go wrong?