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5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/02/02

Below please find the suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. What do you think?

When news are true, but CLONED

There is fake news, that is the more or less “alternative-” facts published specifically for political propaganda, or just to make some buck. But there is also news that are true but deliberately CLONED, like animals in factory farms. Here is a real-world example from Italy (IMPORTANT UPDATE, July 17th 2018, at the bottom of the post!!)

Four BAD online habits you very likely have

Here are four habits that make millions of people waste huge amounts of time, often without even making them feel better.

You can finally have (virtual) sex with ANYONE you know. Or even...

Yes, You Can! Just combine these two pieces of news to see how easy it is (and maybe start worrying on which end of that sex you may end up).

Update 2018/01/25: check out the “confirmation” linked below

5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/1/10

Below please find the suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. As last month, some were expected, some much less, at least by me. What do yu think?

5000 concepts for Europe? The first one is...

In the first 12 hours from its actual public announcement, my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book yeld some unexpected (for me, at least) results.