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Everything that's wrong in Zuckerberg's hearing, in one paragraph
It’s there, in one article.
On paying for everything you WANT to read, and others be damned
Does paying for almost everything you read put you at a distinct advantage? On one hand, yes, no doubt. On the other, I find certain propositions a bit troubling.
5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/03/18
Below please find the over FIVE HUNDRED suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. With respect to the last update, there are quite interesting quotes about Europe, more entries from or about Eastern Europe, music, philosophy, economy and science. Check them out!
On the real impact of fake news, echo chambers and filter bubbles
Fake news, echo chambers, filter bubbles: how much do they REALLY create or influence people’s opinions on politics, or anything else?
Father of school shooting victim fights conspiracy theories with censorship
I sincerely apologize for the clickbait title, but sometimes you really can’t avoid them.
5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/02/24
Below please find the over 300 suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. Respect to the previous updates, the biggest news seem to be lots of suggestions for novels, and about Eastern Europe.