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The smart devices that notify you when you are dumb
Every object, no matter how ordinary, can become smart and thus bring your life to whole new levels of joy and awareness. I just found two more proofs of this truth.
Gmail Buddy, aka "The Internet of Things we do NOT need"
an Internet of Things that we definitely don’t need
there is a project, over at Seeed, that is a good example of a really (too) large category of projects that I really do not get. At least, I don’t get why they should have anything like “smart” or “smarter” in their name. I’m talking of
Light Saver, a nice project... that should be explained better
Vedant Desai is a “Smart Fifth Grader Football Player” who just invented a “Light Saver” device that…
The Really Smart Home vs the Internet of Stupid Things
Internet of Things. Smart homes. Smart appliances. Smart everything. How smart is the result?