The embarrassing absurdity of Article 11, explained

Article 11 of the recently approved EU Copyright Directive is going to be fun. Eventually.

Comments to "Whither Peer Production"

“Then Peer Production sat down and wept, because there were not other worlds for her to conquer”

Why I share OLD bookmarks

This month, I started sharing lots of OLD (5 or more years old) web pages. Yesterday, I discovered why.

Reason N. 999... why Sustainable Development needs good Open Data

is right behind, or above, urban population growth.

Doubts on Software Licenses, 2018 version

Last month I found, once more, that this fundamental topic of our times keeps going through the same, decades-long doubts, and maybe errors.

The ONLY thing to "regulate" in Facebook, Google & C

There are many proposals that governments should nationalize, break up or “regulate” Facebook and similar platforms. Those proposals range from useless to dangerous. With one exception.