Even more reasons to AVOID Google's AMP

IN January 2018 I concluded that I do not like Google’s AMP. Now I found even more reasons to dislike it, and one of them may be from Bruxelles.

Winston Smith has been just transferred to Wikipedia

Winston Smith’s greatest pleasure in life was in his work. Most of it was tedious, but included in it there were also delicate pieces of forgery…

Do you REALLY want "more women in science and engineering"?

On April 10th, 2019, the first “photograph” of a black hole was made public. Minutes after that, another photograph has started to be used as a flag to inspire women worldwide… in what I fear is a limiting way.

In 2016, Brexit also was a failure of Open Data. Will this happen again?

One Brexit fact that really nobody can deny is that, so far, too many decisions and promises have been made… without enough data to back them.

Machine learning for security clearances... of a Snowden Generation?

What happens when you spend tons of money on sophisticated people-monitoring algorithms, but the people to monitor…