Data portability is useless. Hardware is a privilege

And no “freedom box” should make us forget these facts.

Pepsi potatoes: a preview of IP-based serfdom

“Intellectual Property” does have some sort of place and role to play in a modern society. Hopefully not THIS one.

What we already knew about (big) data-driven inequality

Warnings and examples of algorithms and “Big Data” that exploit or discriminate people in ways unknown to their very authors appear more and more frequently in the news. But they are not news.

Ford and others prove me right on driverless cars. Again

Last year I saw CEOs of the car industry implicitly acknowledge that the world has reached “peak car”. It happened again, just worse. For them, at least.

Yes, we got gatekeepers. We just got the wrong ones

If there is too much violence and radicalization online, it is not because of lack of gatekeepers.

What if we just outlawed INSTANTNESS in social networks?

To see what I mean, let’s start from some facts (emphasis mine):