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To fix insane trade we must reform software too

You live in a world where Trade is so Insane that…

The best argument for Universal Basic Income? The laws of physics

What is the worst that could happen if robots actually took all jobs? Not getting a salary anymore, or getting one just to screw the world with it?

The Internet of Things? Yes, but ONLY if it is OPEN and ORGANIC

The Internet of Things as advertised today has huge security issues. But they are likely the smallest of its problems.

Trade wars will boost digital manufacturing. But not at home

Last summer, professor J. Pearce argued that “Trade wars will boost digital manufacturing - at consumers' own homes with personal 3D printers”. I hope that that 3D printing-enhanced boost happens, but I also believe, and hope, that it will not happen where prof. Pearce says.

In praise of modular, "good enough" computing

Here are the key concepts of a great white paper.

Do we really need 5G mobile networks? Ask GDPR and seahorses

Telecom companies say that the world needs mountains of new, way faster, Fifth Generation (=5G) mobile networks to cope with the unavoidable arrival of the Internet of Things. GDPR and seahorses may disagree.