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In 2016, Brexit also was a failure of Open Data. Will this happen again?

One Brexit fact that really nobody can deny is that, so far, too many decisions and promises have been made… without enough data to back them.

Reason N. 999... why Sustainable Development needs good Open Data

is right behind, or above, urban population growth.

Software vs. your rights and quality of life, revisited

I have been saying for at least twelve years that your civil rights and the quality of your life depend on how software is used AROUND you. In July 2018, I found the same concept expressed very well by somebody else.

Agriculture innovation in India: is it looking in the right direction?

Tradition is merging with information technology in indian agriculture. Is this happening in the most sustainable way, or going backwards?

Quick: what is the FIRST thing that should be open to democratic control, and used for the common good?

Two articles about a great issue of our time just made me a bit sad.