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Our self-flying car future? Not so flying

Self-flying cars can fly very fast… until they meet two obstacles: transport optimization and… other self-flying cars.

Uber "self-driving trucks" are NOT trucks. And this means that...

Uber believes that Self-Driving Trucks will result in MORE jobs for truck drivers, not less. Why, and what does this REALLY mean?

Kids traveling inside cars like rockets ready to launch or human airbags

If you have reached this page is probably because you followed from Facebook the URL in the photo below and then clicked on the “English” link: The italian text at that URL is an open letter in which I ask Italians to pay much more attention than they are currently doing to the security of their children while driving. I am not publishing a full translation because, as far as I know, the letter as it’s written only applies to Italy, so this is just a short explanation of what that photo is about.