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Should groceries come by drone, EVERYWHERE?

Nah. Ship them with common sense, instead (*).

Why and how Amazon Counter could be good for the world

If it re-done right, that is. Back in early 2020 (*), a friend of mine asked online what people thought about Amazon Counter. My first reply greatly surprised him, because he knows my opinions about Amazon, and that reply started with: “This really sounds like a consumer’s dream, and a green one too." The conversation continued as follows (edited for clarity). Friend: Did you call it green because it would enable ‘cosmo-local’ production, that is small-scale manufacturing of products designed once and then reused globally?

Forget Amazon Prime. Demand Singapore shipping, instead

Wherever you live, you need “Singapore-like” shipping.

Really smart cities help their stores to go Dark

The digital dark side or retailing is more smart than dark.

Don't boycott Amazon. Free it, instead.

Something to think about, on this and all future Black Fridays.

Thoughts and Tips from the 2013 Open Data Week

I participated to the 2013 Open Data Week in Marseille to lead a workshop on an idea I had a couple years ago, one that seems to be more and more ready to seriously take off every month: