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EU research on digital DIY "vs" gun control becomes even more relevant

A landmark legal decision makes it possible for everybody to make their own, untraceable assault rifles at home. What now?

"Making should not be anything new". But maybe it already is

Making shouldn’t be anything new, but the maker movement is pretending otherwise. Or so they said. Are YOU sure?

Forget fablabs and makerspaces! Who ELSE is promoting Digital DIY in Europe?

Forget fablabs and makerspaces! Who ELSE is promoting Digital DIY in Europe? /img/didiy-logo.png
Forget fablabs and makerspaces! Who ELSE is promoting Digital DIY in Europe? /img/didiy-logo.png

As some of you may already know, these days I also work in the H2020 research project “Digital DIY”, a world of which 3D printing is only the most fashionable part, but not the biggest, nor the most important. Among other things, right now we’d need to know something that is pretty hard to discover without _local (meaning: yours!) _assistance, because it is “hidden” behind many different languages and layers of burocratic structures and inertia: