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Why doesn't the City of Milan use Netlamps?

A couple of years ago I wrote about Municipalities that open their GIS systems to citizens, pointing out that what's great about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) made with Free Software, or at least based on open file formats and protocols, is the fact that not citizens can use such systems to do much more than reading maps: open GIS allow citizens to create and publish by themselves geographic data of public interest.

Did you know that in Naples, in Federica Square...

Piazza Federica (Federica Square in Italian) is the “3D virtual square” that should constitute the innovative web-learning system of the Federico II University in Naples, Italy. I already reported in another article that Penguins can’t enter Piazza Federica, explaining why that is bad for a service of a public University. In additions to those penguin barriers, however, there are other things I don’t understand in the public service offered by Piazza Federica.

Is Internet censorship keeping Rome dirty and ugly?

Rome is chaotic and not really efficient, but is still one of the most beautiful, visually stunning cities in the world. An act of Internet censorship just happened that may keep it ugly. Here’s what happened, and how you can help.

Italian region asks for help to avoid software lock-in... to Microsoft

Today, after the initial surprise caused by knowing that Left party leader and president of the italian region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola, has just signed a Berlusconi-like deal with Microsoft offering an explanation that, alas, doesn’t really explain much, we started to know something about the content of the deal (because the bigger, problem in this whole business, much more of the presence of Microsoft, is lack of transparency).