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Big Tech like Big Banks

As in “too big to (not spectacularly) fail”. Eventually.

The problem with iPhones is not China. It's us

And is not in WHERE we make things.

Of AstroTurfing, and one-sided Electronic Frontiers around Privacy

My own short summary of a very interesting article.

Driverless cars: the wrong people solving the wrong problem

Not all disruptions are equal. Or disrupt the right things.

Two views of privacy, and consent made meaningless

For a great description of the Californian surveillance model, look no further.

What almost nobody is telling you about the ApplevsFBI case

What almost nobody is telling you about the ApplevsFBI case /img/applevsfbi.jpg
Screenshot source:


FBI says that Apple must help them, because nobody else can do it, to unlock the iPhone used by San Bernardino shooter. The complete story is quite more complex than this one-sentence summary, but there is **one **part of it that, as far as I can see has received almost **zero **attention so far (*):