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What seems missing from that agriculture summit

I discovered only this morning that next May there will be a very interesting meeting about “The Digital Revolution - Farming 4.0”. Its announcement, however, makes me wonder how complete that meeting will be.

Some questions about mangoes, blockchain and fraud

Investors worldwide are pushing blockchain and the Internet of Things inside literally everything. Including food. This leaves many of us, including me, a bit confused and skeptical. Here is one case where a bit more of explanation may make things easier to accept.

The Caves of Steel are coming, and this may be good. As long as...

There are now twice as many people as 50 years ago, and they are already concentrating into cities anyway. Therefore…<!–more—>

Therefore, they say, doing more of that, until we all live in Caves of Steel leaving the planet “empty” could be the best thing we may ever do. Maybe, but only if it happens in the right way