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The first question you should ask yourself during traffic bans

On January 31st, 2010, Milan and a few neighbor areas declared a total traffic ban to reduce air pollution. Since such measures are already used in other countries or may be adopted in the coming years, the protests and questions raised in that occasion are useful to think about the real usefulness of traffic bans in general.

Explaining global warming to home buyers

Even in this period of housing crisis (or maybe just because of it) buying a house may be a wise investment if you can afford it without a big mortgage! The task is made easier by the Internet, which lets us find the best deal with just a few clicks. As an example, let's look at the cases of three not-so-imaginary Italian average citizens, signori Rossi, Bianchi and Verdi, who are thinking about purchasing a house for their summer holidays in some Italian seaside city.

[...], help me have a sane, slow Christmas

The short prayer which follows was inspired by participation to family discussions about next Christmas and from the discovery of the article and website mentioned below. It is a prayer which is perfect for everybody, regardless of religion. You can fill the empty square brackets with whatever you want, from the name of any God to… your own, and it will still make sense. And it’s good even if you don’t celebrate Christmas yourself and nobody celebrates it around you. All in all, it’s probably good (modern life being what it is) even at other times of the year.

What should we do with FIAT cars made in Termini Imerese?

Some days ago I heard a radio interview to workers and Union representatives of the FIAT car manufacturing plant in Termini Imerese, Sicily. FIAT management announced this year that they plan to stop car production in that plant by the end of 2011, because it is not convenient anymore. The thing that impressed me the most in the interviews were people declaring that “in Italy we produce too few cars!”

Should water be public or private? Australian, of course!

There are a lot of talks and public discussions in Italy these days about the “privatization of water” that should be soon approved by the national Parliament. Some people denounce a theft of all water that should be forbidden, period! There is also a “Save the Water” national campaign.