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5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/02/02

Below please find the suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. What do you think?

5000 concepts for Europe: update 2018/1/10

Below please find the suggestions received so far for my proposal of a “5000 concepts for Europe” book. As last month, some were expected, some much less, at least by me. What do yu think?

Bit Prepared, 12 years later? On Scouts and Free Software, again

Bit Prepared, 12 years later? On Scouts and Free Software, again /img/scoutlinux.png
The logo of the ScoutLinux distribution


Almost twelve years ago, I pointed out some links between Scouting and Free as in Freedom Software, like, for example, those between B-P’s call to

Good Parenting, or High-Tech Cruises?

Some months ago, TechCrunch reported that, on High-Tech cruise ships like the  Quantum Of The Sea, “Wi-Fi is fast and it’s everywhere” for one specific reason that I really don’t like .

final bits from fOSSa 2015, from Open Education to Ecology

fOSSa 2015 was such a great conference that I and Wouter Tebbens already wrote four other posts about it (see below). Here are the last bits that are worth sharing but did not fit elsewhere.

Citizen cloud thoughts, after fOSSa 2015

I had (at least) three big reasons to be at the fOSSa 2015 conference, a couple of weeks ago. Two already covered elsewhere and one, “Citizen Cloud: Towards a more decentralized internet?", that deserves its own separate post.