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Are citizens ready for Open Data and Government?
A few days ago I was in the Menendez Pelayo International University of Santander, Spain, to give a talk for a seminar about Open and E-Government.
The big limits of today's email: privacy, barriers and robustness
Email is one of the most useful and more widely used applications of the Internet. So far, however, I have met very few people that seem aware of how suboptimal its usage is, or of the problems that may arise when many people will start to realize it. Please note that, while the rest of this page explains these statements only in the case of email, most of it applies to any other form of direct, person-to-person communication through the Internet (chat, IM, VoIP phone calls, social networking through Facebook or Ning…).
Cut and paste mail-bombing? No, thanks!
Preface: this is the translation of a post written on April 2, 2010, to explain to all italian Internet users, with a real-life example, of the complete uselessness of copying or forwarding protest email about whatever argument to politicians or any organization.