New Zealand is a bit less good today

(Paywall-free popularization like this is what I do for a living. To support me, see the end of this post)

Censorship can indeed come from every side.

New Zealand is a bit less good today /img/hobbiton-set.jpg

Compared to many other countries New Zealand, where the Lords of the Rings trilogy was filmed, often comes out as a real-world Hobbiton: a heaven on Earth, full of pacific folks unable to mean harm to anyone.

Today, however, New Zealand may have become a little bit more like Edoras in the Wormtongue days:

New Zealand is a bit less good today /img/wormtongue.jpg
<a href="" target="_blank">A court where Free Speech is censored, (image from Wikipedia, click for source)</a>


According to ZeroHedge, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern just called for an international alliance to censor speech.

We’ll see. Comments and more information straight from New Zealand would be very welcome, of course).

For the moment, I can’t help noticing that, even if ZeroHedge’s warning turned out to be wrong, this part of their post is surely always true: “we need to be equally on guard when censorship is pushed from [whatever side!] with the best of motivations and the worst of means."

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