Your pictures can be a distraction, and they are not yours anyway

Not if you use certain services, at least.

Four years ago, someone observed, quoting among other examples the distortion of truth by YouTube algorithms, that:

  • the impact on the real world of some for-profit, data hungry services like those by Google, YouTube or Facebook had long become “too destructive to ignore”
  • [however] some of those services, e.g. Google Photos, “may help a tech giant suck up your valuable data, but your “love” pictures aren’t about to undermine democracy around the world”

I Object, Your Honor

No, of course your “love” pictures on Google Photos, Instagram, and so on, aren’t about to actively undermine democracy around the world.

They just are very likely to stop you from being active.

Not to mention that they are NOT yours at all, if you only keep them in certain places.


Your pictures can be a distraction, and they are not yours anyway /img/i-object.gif

I object to such a reductive view of certain dangers, and continue to propose a better, realistic solution.