Digital transformation in Eastern Europe

Tell me more about it!

Digital transformation in Eastern Europe /img/eastern-partnership.jpg

Among many other things, the European Union the EU supports digital transformation in partner countries. This week, for example, they signed a Joint Declaration with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. In this area, that currently suffers from high instability, digitization is a priority and an important element of dialogue at several levels, from physical infrastructures to roaming agreements and training. These are the parts that I personally find more interesting in the full Joint Declaration:

A: Modernisation and innovation efforts at all levels of education and training will be pursued. This includes structured cooperation between EU and partner countries' universities, VET institutions and youth organisations, as well as the promotion of youth employment, employability, entrepreneurship and skills, including addressing brain drain.

B: The following targets will be pursued… 80% of public services in the EaP (Eastern Partnership) available online through interoperability platforms; mutually recognised digital signatures between four partner countries and with the EU; and one million EaP citizens digitally empowered through the creation of a digital education platform.

C: Skills in media, information, and digital literacy, and critical thinking skills will be enhanced in order to protect people against disinformation.

Tell me more, please!

I would really like to know more about actual developments of those specific points of the declaration, and possibly to interview some of their protagonists. Please email me if you can help me on this. Disclosure: I am particularly interested in the digital education platform, as that is something on which I may cooperate both personally, or (being a Board Member) through the Free Knowledge Institute.

The EU for Eastern European Youth???

While we are at this… The same request to know more applies to all the EU initiatives to support Eastern European youth that are presented in the EU Neighbours East website!