Big Tech, so bad that even Big Tech dislikes it

We truly live in interesting times.

Last week, Microsoft “has realized that it doesn’t want to be associated with Google, Facebook and Amazon - It’s really, really simple."

That’s the summary by an expert of what recently happened in Washington, D.C., where growing tensions between Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta, and Apple lie behind the death of the Internet Association (IA), the nine-year-old lobby group that was Big Tech’s voice in Washington.

Oh, boy…

If that report is correct and tells the whole story, long gone are the days when Microsoft was the “All Your Base Are Belong To Us” borg:

Big Tech, so bad that even Big Tech dislikes it /img/all-your-base-are-belong-to-us-1.jpg

Obviously, it’s too early to be sure. After all, Microsoft still is the company that:

But times are sure changing. Or so it seems, at least. Let’s take these news as a good omen for 2022.

Big Tech, so bad that even Big Tech dislikes it /img/best-wishes-2022.jpg