Interpersonal Victimhood is digital

Or, at least, digitally enhanced. A lot.

Some people tend to see themselves as perpetual victims. Scientists have defined the tendency for interpersonal victimhood, which is discussed in detail here, as “an ongoing feeling that the self is a victim, which is generalized across many kinds of relationships. As a result, victimization becomes a central part of the individual’s identity.”

Interpersonal Victimhood is digital /img/victimhood.jpg

Those who have a perpetual victimhood mindset, says that article,

“tend to have an “external locus of control”; they believe that one’s life is entirely under the control of forces outside one’s self, such as fate, luck or the mercy of other people."

“Based on clinical observations and research, the researchers found that the tendency for interpersonal victimhood consists of four main dimensions: (a) constantly seeking recognition for one’s victimhood, (b) moral elitism, (c) lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others, and (d) frequently ruminating about past victimization."

Please note that the four points above are exactly what current social media platforms are designed to strengthen, and exploit, among their users.

If you don’t believe me, read the complete article, then let me know if the profiles described there match or not, in your opinion, those of several “online crusaders” that you have met.