It's FAST social media that makes lifestyle porn BIG

Already time to remember again something obvious?

It's FAST social media that makes lifestyle porn BIG /img/i-want-everything-now.jpg

There is an article at Injustice Mag about “how Lifestyle Porn is killing us. I am not sure I agree with all the analyses and solutions inside that article, but I do want to highlight one reason why that problem is such a BIG problem.

Injustice Mag defines “Lifestyle porn” as rich people who make money by flaunting on their social media feeds all the wealth, or sponsors, that they buy with that money.

Lifestyle porn is so big that “Millennials spend more time on Zillow than we ever did PornHub” (whoever “we” is there).

Lifestyle porn is bad, says the Mag, because it essentially defends the right of those people to “spend their wealth however they want, even if it destroys our future”.

Lifestyle porn exists because “If we can’t live that way ourselves, we’ll pay someone else to do it… It gives us comfort” but the expense of our environment - and sometimes human rights.

Unattainable, unsustainable lifestyle porn, continues the article with plenty of examples, is “what’s keeping us from buying our own houses and going on our own vacations”.

OK. So lifestyle porn is BAD. But how does it manage to be SO bad?

Lifestyle porn always existed, of course. It’s sustained by human nature. But one big reason why it’s so pervasive these days, much more pervasive than in the past, is in plain sight. It is the fact that social media are instantaneous, instead of slow, as they really should be. If, without any censorship, the more followers one had, the less frequently she could post, all that “killing” would be hugely reduced. Think about it.