Five good reasons to try NextCloud in 2021

What? You still don’t know what NextCloud is?

Five good reasons to try NextCloud in 2021 /img/nextcloud-logo.jpg

Back in 2019, I wrote that “if I won the lottery tomorrow, and could thus donate a lot of money to (among other things, of course) a software project…[one I would surely fund is [NextCloud](is one of the most important FOSS projects of our time)", because it is “one of the most important FOSS projects of our time”".

I said so because I thought, and still think, that NextCloud is the most promising self-hosted, Free/Open Source alternative for the services that companies like Dropbox, Google, Facebook or Skype provide in exchange for users’ data, privacy and more.

There were already plenty of good reasons to use NextCloud for those services in 2019, and there are many, many more in 2021. But don’t take my word for it. In case you missed NextCloud so far, here are X reasons to try NextCloud now, both personally, and for your company.

  1. In mid-2020, NextCloud got safer, bigger and better too, by integrating an online office suite
  2. In October 2020, NextCloud became more integrated with Moodle, a premier open source learning management platform
  3. In December 2020, Nextcloud delivered a serious punch to the face of megacorp cloud companies by offering “one-click migration” to NextCloud OneDrive, Dropbox and Google services”
  4. NextCloud has helped universities and medical schools to fight COVID-19
  5. The version released in February 2021 has ten times better performance
  6. Improvements in speed and added features that make NextCloud offering more business-friendly