Open Data emerging trends and best practices: bibliography

(this page is the bibliography/reading list of my 2011 report on “Open Data: Emerging trends, issues and best practices”. Please follow that link to reach the Introduction and Table of Content, but don’t forget to also check the notes for readers! of the initial report of the same project, “Open Data, Open Society”)

Besides those explicitly linked from the text, this report has drawn inspiration by many other resources. The most important ones are listed here, but the complete list should be much longer. We wish to thank first the authors of the works listed below and, immediately after, to all the activists, inside and outside governments worldwide, who are working on this topic.

  1. Are you prepared for the pitfalls of Gov 2.0?

  2. Can we use Mobile Tribes to pay for the costs of Open Data?

  3. Canada launches - what works and what is broken

  4. Creative Commons and data bases: huge in 2011, what you can do

  5. Defining Gov 2.0 and Open Government

  6. How Government Data Can Improve Lives

  7. If you like solar, tell your utility to publish this map

  8. Indian corruption backlash builds after “year of the treasure hunters”

  9. Información Cívica / Just What is Civic Information?

  10. Is open government just about information?

  11. LSDI : In un click la mappa del crimine

  12. La casta è online: dategli la caccia!

  13. Linee guida UK sull’opendata

  14. MSc dissertation on Open Government Data in the UK

  15. Open Data (2): Effective Data Use.

  16. Open Data: quali prospettive per la pianificazione?

  17. Open Knowledge Foundation Blog " Blog Archive " Keeping Open Government Data Open?

  18. Open data, democracy and public sector reform

  19. Pubblicato Camere Aperte 2011 - blog - OpenParlamento

  20. Reasons for not releasing data in government

  21. The impact of open data: first evidence

  22. Thinking About Africa’s Open Data

  23. Towards EU Benchmarking 2.0 - Transparency and Open Data on Structural Funds in Europe

  24. UK Open Government Licence removes barriers to re-use of public sector information

  25. Western Europe: A journey through tech for transparency projects

  26. What open data means to marginalized communities

  27. What’s in a Name? Open Gov and Good Gov

  28. WikiLeaks Relationship With the Media

  29. WikiLeaks, Open Information and Effective Use: Exploring the Limits of Open Government